horse japanese calligraphy horse


By perusing dictionaries and classic literature, one can observe a plethora of horse-related words and kanji characters. This serves as evidence of our enduring relationship with these animals throughout history. In my daily creative endeavors, I think about the ongoing legacy of life with horses. It is my wish that horses remain cherished as valuable partners for generations to come.




I was born in 1990. I am currently working on a book on the theme of “horses”. At the moment, I am a student at the Shōdan Suishinkai and devote myself daily to studying Suiken-ryu with the aim of mastering it. The abundance of kanji characters, including those related to horses like "人馬一體" and horse words such as "station," highlights the vital role horses have played in Japan's history. My personal experience of living alongside native horses inspired me to establish a harness manufacturing business named "miru," which employs deer leather.


  • 書展のご案内

    第19回 翠晃会書展に出品します。

    第19回 翠晃会書展(グループ展)に書を出品します。 11:00〜16:00(31日最終日15:00迄)
    住所:〒604-52 京都市中央区油小路通御池押油小路町238-1 電話:075-255-9023
    京都市営地下鉄東西線 二条城前駅2番出口より徒歩2分

  • 書展のご案内

    第43回 翠心会書展に出品させていただきます。


         THEATER 1010 11階ギャラリー 10時〜17時(最終日16時)


         京都 堀川御池ギャラリー    11時〜16時(最終日15時)

  • We will participate in a calligraphy exhibition taking place in Kyoto.

    3/25 (Sat) & 26 (Sun)

    We are going to showcase calligraphy at the 18th Suikokai Calligraphy Exhibition. (Group Exhibition).

    11:00-16:00 (until 15:00 on the last day: 26th)

    Venue: Horikawa Oike Gallery

    Address: 〒604-52 238-1 Oike Oshiaburakoji-cho, Chuo-ku, Kyoto Tel: 075-255-9023

    Kyoto Municipal Subway Tozai Line  2 minutes walk from Exit 2 of Nijojomae Station

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    Instagram . Facebook . Twitter. Each SNS official account has been newly updated.

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Life with Horses

my story

I like horses. My affection for horses dates back to my earliest years, when I stumbled upon a picture book called "Suho's White Horse" in a bookstore at the age of two. Although the book was initially challenging for me, I read it repeatedly until I had it memorized. This early exposure to horses planted the seeds for my current appreciation not only of horse racing and equestrian sports, but also of the idea that horses are true "life partners." I am driven by the belief that horses will continue to guide the future of Japan.

Japanese Calligraphy

I like calligraphy. This fondness for calligraphy stems from my enjoyment of calligraphy lessons in elementary school. When I began exploring creative pursuits, it felt only natural to focus on "horse-related words." The soft ink tone of Suiken-ryu calligraphy is often likened to moonlight, which, to me, evokes the image of a white horse. I remain captivated by the human-like expressiveness that can be achieved through the use of both hiragana and kanji characters, and continue to practice calligraphy to this day.